PIVOTT Experience!
June 16, 2023 – June 18, 2023
Albuquerque, NM

This experience is for a woman just like you pretending to have it all together when the truth is you feel unfulfilled, empty & are just getting through life. You go to work, come home and take care of your family & life’s responsibilities go to bed and start all over again the next day. You live for the weekends or the next vacation. You know there has to be more to life than just going to work to pay bills to one day die. You know that you are meant for so much more but just can’t seem to find your way and feel like something is wrong with you. You continue to question yourself because you “should” be happy & have checked the boxes that society told you would bring you fulfillment. You feel guilty because others have it much worse than you do & you question if your pain is enough to want more. You are not alone in feeling this way.
We have been programmed that happiness comes from success, money, achievements etc, but the truth is that fulfillment & happiness is something that must be created within. You see the world as you are not as it is. The question is Who are YOU?
This is exactly why I have created this experience. It is a safe place for you to come release, reprogram & reclaim all parts of you and PIVOTT into the woman you have always been. You will walk away from this experience clearing the past & embracing the present moment to create a life that you DESIRE!
Everything you need is inside you & sometimes you just need guidance to see it.

About Me!
Master Practitioner NLP/ Reiki Practitioner
Hi, I am Dominique

I spent my life trying to prove my worth with material wealth, and putting my emotional needs on the back burner. I lived in a constant state of anxiety. I worried about what others thought of me, and never felt good enough to be accepted as I was. I became addicted to achievement thinking that if I could be perfect enough, I would finally feel whole because I had achieved what society called success. However, there was no achievement big enough to fill the hole I had in my heart. I kept feeling empty like something was missing, and I just could not figure out why. I’d smile and put on a happy face to the world, but internally I was dying, which resulted in becoming addicted to opiates that nearly cost me my life. I was living as a victim blaming others for my unhappiness and by doing so I was completely giving my power away once again to things outside of me. I never knew that I had the power to create the life I deserved and that everything I needed was inside me. I went from barely being able to get out of bed to now living a life full of purpose. I uncovered my limiting beliefs & comforted my inner child that had been neglected for far too long. Once I truly understood how the subconscious mind works I realized that I was seeing the world from a perspective that no longer served me. I was trying to protect myself by numbing out, because my inner thoughts & beliefs didn’t align with who I truly was, and that is why I felt empty. I finally understood that my thoughts create feelings, my feelings create actions, & my actions create results aka my LIFE! Every single woman deserves to know that they have the power to create the life that they deserve..
Our mindset is the key to achieving anything we want in life. My purpose is to guide women to do the same by teaching them how to shift their mindset by helping them discover that everything they need is inside them. I have been there, and I know how hard it is to find hope and a way forward. I’m ready to meet you where you are in your life and to guide and support you!