Dedicated to Changing Lives

My name is Dominique Velasquez,
You are not alone, break free from the shackless of addiction and get the support you DESERVE!

My Story
In 2010, I started experiencing debilitating abdominal pain. I was hospitalized a couple of times and eventually diagnosed with endometriosis. A very painful condition that many females live with. The doctors prescribed me hydrocodone to control my pain.
Eventually, the pain got so intense I needed several surgeries, and I was on a combination of hydrocodone, oxycodone, and tramadol for a year straight. I would look at that little pill, and couldn’t believe that it had total control over my entire life. It was exhausting! I was constantly counting pills to get a plan on how I was going to get more to get through the days.
It affected my kids and my husband’s well-being. On days that I was running low on them, I would be so irritable and on edge, I hated myself. I wanted help so bad, but I was so ashamed of myself. The shame and fear of being judged were so high that I almost lost my life to this. My kids would have been left without a mom if this had happened because of the stigma attached to this. I surrendered to God and cried out for help.
My biggest fear was people finding out my secret, but through this recovery process, I have learned to love and accept myself. I have also realized that this disease does not define me as a person. I am sharing my story to give others hope and to be a testimony that recovery is possible.
One-step, one-day, one-pivot at a time. I now feel free and proud of my journey, and I want to guide others who are battling this. I will teach you life-long tools to allow you to rid the shame and guilt that addiction comes with, and you will get back the life you deserve.
Proud Survivor,
Dominique Velasquez
Connect With Me
Listen I understand I have been there, and you can RECOVER too!